Came across the headline this morning whilst reading the paper...
"Woman beats off Rapist in carpark!"
I suppose that was a fair compromise!
Came across the headline this morning whilst reading the paper...
"Woman beats off Rapist in carpark!"
I suppose that was a fair compromise!
I just came across a pile of cash in the parking lot.
Usually I just use tissues.
Two nuns walk into a liquor store, and one asked the clerk for the biggest bottle of Irish whisky he had.
The clerk replied, "Heck no sister, you nuns aren't supposed to drink that stuff!" The nun said, "Well my son, it is not for us, you see, it is for Mother Teresa," then the nun whispers, "She has the constipation."
The clerk said, "Oh, in that case, it's on the house. Here's the biggest jug we have." The nuns thank him, bless him, and leave. A few hours later, as the clerk is leaving, he sees the same two sisters in the parking lot, rolling around and drinking the Irish whiskey. Appalled, he goes over to them and says, "You ladies lied to me! You told me it was for Mother Teresa for her constipation!"
One of the nuns takes another swig, looks up at him and says "You wanna know something buddy? She sure will shit when she sees us!"
What do you do when you see a spaceman?
Park in it, man!
You know that feeling when you're going through a school parking lot and go over a speed bump, then you realize that there are no speed bumps?
do you ever get that feeling where your just going through a school parking lot, then you realize that there are no parking lots
What's grey and can't fly? A parking lot.
There's more genders than there are cars in a walmart parking lot
The quiet kid starts playing "Pumped Up Kicks" in the parking lot before school.
I was remembering the time when I lost my brother, only until I heard that hide and seek wasn't the best idea, especially in a secluded parking lot in downtown.
What's grey and can't fly?
A parking lot.