Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

I don't fuck my mother all day long. I fuck my mother for only 6 hours a day. Sometimes it's 7-8 hours. It depends on how busy my siblings and father are with their work.

Violets are red, so is your face. I thought I was ugly, but then I saw you.

Which is Ronaldo's favorite son, Matteo or Cristiano Junior?

Neither. His favorite is San Marino, perfect for stat-padding with tap-ins and penalties!

I was playing hide-n-seek with my dad and he hid, but I could never find him till this day.

I was reading a great book about an immortal cat the other day. It was impossible to put it down.

It takes a lot of trust for two cannibals to gluck gluck each other. You never know when it's goodbye willy.

An ICE agent tells a Mexican that he can get his green card if he can use green, pink, and yellow correctly in a sentence. The Mexican thinks for a minute and says, "My phone goes green, green, and I pink it up and say yellow."