What does “JETS” stand for?
Jihadis Eradicating The Skyscrapers.
What does “JETS” stand for?
Jihadis Eradicating The Skyscrapers.
What does Drew Bledsoe and the twin towers have in common
They both got taken out by two jet.
On September 11th, 2001, the New York Giants lost against the Jets.
Has anybody noticed that the New York City football team is the New York Jets? They sure know how to scare the Twin Towers.
Roses are red violet are blue jets versus towers, USA lost two
What's the similarities between the New York Jets and the World Trade Center? They both fall I'm September.
Your mum is so fat, when she roleplayed Wonder Woman, she couldn't fit in the invisible jet.
What's the twin towers' favorite football team?
New York Jets.
What mistake did the manager of the Twin Towers make?
He replaced all the window cleaners with 2 commercial jets.
You. Me. Gas station. What are we getting for dinner? Sushi of course. Uh oh! There was a roofie in our gas station sushi. We black out and wake up in a sewer surrounded by fish.
Horny fish. You know what that means. Fish orgy. The stench draws in a bear. What do we do? We're gonna fight it. Bear fight. Bare handed. Bare, naked? Oh, yes please. We befriend the bear after we beat it in a brawl and ride it into a Chuck E. Cheese. Dance Dance Revolution. Revolution? Overthrow the government? Uh, I think so. Next thing you know, I'm reincarnated as Jesus Christ. Then I turn into a jet, fly into the sun, black out again, wake up, do a bump, white out, which I didn't even know you could do. Then I smoked a joint, greened out. Then I turn into the sun. Uh oh! Looks like the meth is kicking in. aklfhaofhasfahfakh AAAAAAAAA afahfioahflkf AAAAA
A teacher asks her class, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Little Johnny says “I wanna be a billionaire, going to the most expensive clubs, take the best b*tch with me, give her a Ferrari worth over a million bucks, an apartment in Hawaii, a mansion in Paris, a jet to travel through Europe, an Infinite Visa Card and to make love to her three times a day.”
The teacher, shocked, and not knowing what to do with the bad behavior of the child, decides not to give importance to what he said and then continues the lesson. “And you, Susie?” the teacher asks. Susie says “I wanna be Johnny’s b*tch.”
Just remembering the day when the Jets beat the New York Giants.
why did the turtle start flying he was ona jet