Whats the last thing to go through the minds of 9/11 victims?
Their kneecaps.
When the airplane saw the twin towers, "We can't go over it, we can't go under it, we can't go around it guess we will go through it."
What’s the difference between Diana and Casper the ghost? Casper can go through walls, Diana can't.
why did jesus die a the diving olympics? because he cant go through wter
What did the plane say to the towers : Can't go over it can't go under it oh no we got to go through it
Why are 9/11 victims so good at reading.Because they can go through 100 stories in 5 minutes.
why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers, they can go through 100 floors in 7 seconds
the terrorists said over the inter com we re coming up to our destination so we cant go over it we cant go under we have to go through it
Terorist: we can go over it, we can’t go under it, let’s go through it.
What was the last thing to go through princess Diana’s head before she died? The steering wheel