Why canโt an orphan use an iPhone Because the home button dose not work
What dose a pickle look like a pp
Why does an orphan love to go to church?
Because they have someone to call father.
what dose a kid do when hes bored and hes siting he puts wheels on the chair and makes it a wheel chair
what does BLM stand for?
Biden loves minors.
teacher: Ok class good morning we are going to start off by what kind of sound animals make. Teacher : ok what sound dose a pig make Class: a cow says mo mo teacher: good Teacher: what dose a sheep make? Class: A sheep say's maa maaa Teacher: Good ! now what dose a pig say little johnny:A pig says put your hands up and get agenst the wall youblack mother fucke*
For you have a overdose on a drug and die, then the least half dose would be a lifetime supply.
One of my friends named Jill had a drug overdose. She didnโt have any of that drug after that. For the rest of her life she acted very high. When she died, it was because of natural causes, not the drug. So this proves that a lethal dose is also a life time supply.
So i was in school and the was number saying 696969 so i said to my mother what dose. It mean she said, YOUR FUCKING DAD AND I
what dose the chicken say when he didn't understand something
"what hap-HENd"
Why dose a orphan play gta to be wanted๐๐ญ
What dose the orphan have in common with Batman they both lost their parents.
Why dose a milking stool have 3 legs? Because, the cow has the utter one.
what dose a priest and time have in common? there both predators
Me: the man sleeped in a $200 bed i He's hole life so why dose he need a $2,000 coughing My friend: there cheaper at Costco Me: oh shit your going to have "fun" this weekend
How dose a octopus laugh ? Bubel bubele
Whats the difference between a baby and a pizza? One dose not crow when you put it in an oven
what dose a orphan call a family photo a sefey
Wy dose canker kil yu becase it dose ๐
whye dose Sam sung sell TeeVss? Cuss thay make them?๐๐