Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Indian guy and American guy in a wheelchair met in a Bar for drinks. American guy got drunk and fell on the sidewalk. Indian guy got drunk and walked away.

An American and a Russian are talking. The American says, "We in America have the best democracy . We can stand in front of the White House and shout with impunity: "The American President is a moron!" "We can do that too," says the Russian, walking with the American to the Kremlin and shouting: "The American President is a moron!

What do you call a fudge packer who has special needs? A gay black male that has Down Syndrome

Why would a protestant refuse to become a catholic? Because a protestant is not a homosexual sodomite

Hey Siri, what’s in my bank account? You stupid shit, piece of elephant crap, you’re so ugly that when you were born, your nickname was bastard! You’re so ugly, that your crush fainted in front of you and was proclaimed dead! You’re so ugly that- (Destroys phone cutely)

I was in the corner shop and the Indian woman was sporting a red dot on her forehead, I scratched it off and won a fucking ford focus!