Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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What do you call security guards working outside of Samsung shops? Guardians of the Galaxy🌌

So a man goes to church is dipped in water 3 times by a Priest as he says, " From now on your name is Michael and you will shed your sins of gambling and alcohol. " . Soon after the man heads home and rushes to the fridge to grab a can of beer. He turns on the sink and dips it in the water 3 times while saying, " From now on you will be known as Not Alcohol. " .

I was an orphan as a kid but I have never had a bitch so I asked this cheerleader to homecoming and she said "Mofo you are only coming to hoco because you need a home to go to"

I have an EpiPen.

My friend gave it to me while he was dying.

It seemed really important to him that I have it.

Dark Humor Is Just Like Water,

Some People Get It Some People Don't.

So I’m riding in the car with my dad and all of a sudden I smell something rank without warning.

My dad starts laughing at me.

Dad: “Son! That must have been an orphan fart! You know why?”

Me: “Why dad?”

Dad: “Because it ain’t got no pop!”

If you’re having a bad day, just punch an orphan.

Who are they going to tell? Their parents?