Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Dagger. This is to get your attention, for Dagger Jr. and I. Weโ€™d like to speak with you, and possibly Lynx, if we can find a time to all talk.

Your mum so fat that when she sat down she said "Why are there so many people under me?"

I was outside digging a six foot hole, when I found a treasure box with jewels and shiny gems! I almost went inside to tell my wife, then I remembered why I was digging the hole

I told my mom I'm happy and she said: "I didn't know you were gay."

What is the most awkward moment when Helen Keller is playing Pin the tail on the donkey? Her friends arenโ€™t sure whether to blindfold her.

My only friend who actually cares: Stop making suicide jokes, Iโ€™m really concerned!

Me: Okay Iโ€™ll cut it out.

Grandma: most people your age, have a family and are married. Why arenโ€™t you?

Grandchild: most your age are dead. Why arenโ€™t you?

kid: #1: You're adopted. kid#2: At least they wanted me. kid #1: Did your real parents want you?

90% of women don't like men in pink shirts. Ironically, 90% of men in pink shirts don't like women.

regular depressed person: I'm depressed, so I'll go see a therapist

Me: I'm depressed so I won't do anything about it, work on many projects at the same time destroying my sanity slowly while relying on caffeine and pills as my only way to take down my headaches and making memes about it online to help myself cope with the pain

Texter 1: You know People treat me like a god

Texter 2: How?

Texter 1: They ignore my existence unless they need something