Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

5 people online

guys this is so disrepctful i love jesus. i go to church every tuesday morning to give jesus a .... giffffffft so disrepctful guys #jesusismyhubby

I went to Starbucks today and they asked what I wanted and I replied with "to die, a shot of bleach and an deppresso expresso".

Not to be rude or anything but im not adopted my bf is and some of these are really mean because sometimes there parents give them up just because there ugly or just because of there skin color We should stop making fun of them and yes i do gigle sometimes but they can be relay hurtful sometimes

Mom: can I tell you a joke Kid: sure Mom: Knock Knock Kid: Who there Mom: Not yo Kid: Not Yo Who Mom: Not Yo Father Kid: Not Yo Husband Either

I got these to people in my class we call them twin towers so when I hered about I threw a paper at plane at them

Why did Stephen hawking die

Cause he would never look both ways

What does Steven hawking have in common with the gates one stands the other doesn't