Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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I’m enyaw and I fancy my pe teacher she is called Kelly Pearce and I go to Beckfoot Oakbank I always watch her bc I am a creep I live at school under the stairs but I also try follow her home and if I'm unsuccessful I look her up on a dodgy website and go on Google maps and look at her door

Sister: Wanna know the difference between your singing and your flute playing? Me: Sure.. ( Expecting a completely different response than what I get. ) Sister: Nvm, they have no difference. Me: * Confused * Sister: They're both horrible.

Why did the Muslim man cross the road? To violently rape an eight year old girl then indoctrinate her with Islamic scripture and train her as a suicide bomber

The only difference between my grandma and the twin towers \..is that they collapsed faster then my grandma heuhfuwvuhwnefudhnweufhwuerhfiuwero0iuruqei9ri0op-or029t5093-854984598948598495io4k5ihwjfpeepee