Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

What is the difference between a gay male who is not physically challenged giving a blowjob job to a gay male that is not physically challenged, and a gay male who is physically challenged giving a blowjob to a gay male who is not physically challenged? A gay male who is not physically challenged who receives a blowjob from a gay male who is physically challenged, would still not believe that the physically challenged male is gay because the gay male who is not physically challenged is the definition of a asshole

Why don’t orphans understand the meaning of a family reunion? Because there not wanted yet maybe they should rob a 🏦 bank;)

Why do orphans that go to there friends house friends mom:go back to your house it’s late Finn wait can I have your moms phone number Finn friends mom: wait aren’t you a orfinn wait don’t you have a phone Finn? wait I forgot you don’t have a phone because nobody wanted to get you a phone or to get you

I’m not funny! Please do not laugh at my jokes! But do check them out, they’re very unpredictable. Read them, do not laugh, they’re jokes, do not laugh at them!

Someone: hah- Me: NO DON’T YOU DARE!😠😠

I bought my son a trampoline for his birthday, the ungrateful fucker just sat in his wheelchair and cried

Q: Do you know why black people have nightmares?

A: Because we shot the last one who had a dream

“A:What do you call a sophisticated American? B:Canadian. A:Why aren't there any Mexicans in Canada? B:They can't run that far”. «A: Что вы называете искушенным американцем? Б: Канадец. A: Почему в Канаде нет ни одного мексиканца? Б: Они не могут убежать так далеко».