Yo mama so fat she blocked my internet connection.
yo mama so fat it took her 3 seconds to cross the Great wall of China.
Yo mama so fat she said the N word
Yo mama so fat, when she takes an elevator, it ALWAYS goes down!
Yo mama so fat, she died!
Yo mama so fat that when the cashier at KFC asked her what size bucket she wants, she said the one on the roof.
Yo mama so fat, I saw her eat with 3 utensils : A spoon, a knife, and a FORKLIFT
yo mama so fat when she laid on a water bed she laid on the whole pasific ocan
(Don't take this seriously just funny): Yo mama so fat when she put on a yellow raincoat people see her a yell "Hey Yo Taxi!!!"
yo mama so fat that she broke your computer.
Yo Mama so fat that when she took a photo of herself to get it printed out it took 15 years to finish
Yo mama so fat, she broke the stairs to heaven
Yo Mama so fat she has a Twinkie inside of a Twinkie inside of her fat ass motherfucking belly button
yo mama so fat that when she went to KFC she asked for the bucket on the roof
yo mama so fat she stand on the scale and the scale says: i want your weight no your phone number
yo mama so fat even God could not life her spirits
yo mama so fat. COW
Yo mama so fat, she got mixed up with Godzilla
Yo mama so fat that when Thanos tried to snap her out of the world, he couldn't do it so instead he clapped her out of the world.