what happens to stephen hawkins when he loggs in to his account on google when it saids I am not a robot?
I was bullying stephen hawkings, I told him why not stand up for yourself.
Stephen Hawking: one hp (Fortnite)
Why did Stephen Hawking die? Because he got bummed too hard in the shower.
What’s the difference between Stephen Hawking and a refrigerator?
The fridge actually runs.
Some say Stephen Hawking was a genius, but I never heard him say anything intelligent.
I didn’t know Stephen Hawking died. Oh god, it must have been when I disconnected the Wi-Fi!
Have you ever walked in to Stephen Hawkins house?
No neither has he
Have you ever stepped foot in Stephen Hawkins house? cause hasn’t either.
What happens when Stephen Hawkins dies Windows players the shutdown music
What were Stephen Hawking's last words? "System failure."
What does Stephen Hawking say after sex? That was wheely good.
Do you think Stephen Hawkins could ever plug his Instagram or anything
Did you know Stephen Hawking died in a game? The game was Happy Wheels.
How did Stephen Hawkins make it up the stair way to heaven? Well he didn’t they invented an elevator
What’s Stephen Hawkins favourite shampoo and conditioner? Head and shoulders
Why did Stephen Hawking's wife leave him? She was sick of buying triple A batteries.
stephen hawkins couldnt make it to heaven cause there was stairs so he rolled down to hell
how is stephen hawkins dead? his windows shit down