
Run-Through Jokes

2 simple steps to get 15,000 people to follow you step 1. Buy a bottle of water (doesn't matter the size) step 2 . Run through Africa with that bottle of water. Perfect now You got yourself half the population there following you

The kid that died is coped in half and you see the next trap it looks like a giant pit that upyo7 have to jump over and you clear it but you feel something on your back and you realize that there is a spike that comes you when yo7 jump over you see the other contestant jump over yiu try to warn them to not step over because the6 would get stabbed but they ignore you and then get hit by the spike the next optical is a wall the slams on a wall you wait until the wall close and you quickly run through the next person runs through and they get to live.

Sorry this is small this is also a part two

A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil assaulted by bears. C is for Clara who wasted away. D is for Desmond thrown out of a sleigh. E is for Ernest who choked on a peach. F is for Fanny sucked dry by a leech. G is for George smothered under a rug. H is for Hector done in by a thug. I is for Ida who drowned in a lake. J is for James who took lye by mistake. K is for Kate who was struck with an axe. L is for Leo who swallowed some tacks. M is for Maud who was swept out to sea. N is for Neville who died of ennui. O is for Olive run through with an awl. P is for Prue trampled flat in a brawl. Q is for Quentin who sank in a mire. R is for Rhoda consumed by a fire. S is for Susan who perished of fits. T is for Titus who flew into bits. U is for Una who slipped down a drain. V is for Victor squashed under a train. W is for Winnie embedded in ice. X is for Xerxes devoured by mice. Y is for Yorick whose head was knocked in. Z is for Zillah who drank too much gin

Q. Why can't you run through a campground?

A. You can only raQ. Why can't you run through a campground?

A. You can only ran, because it's past tents.

(Credit: @punnstagram)

ran, because it's past tents!!