What's the difference between Pikachu and a Orphan?
At lest someone chose Pikachu
police control! Have you been drinking?"
"Go Pikachu! Thunder Clap!"
"Did you just throw a hamster at my head?"
Are you a Pikachu? Because you are SHOCKINGLY beautiful.
Why shouldn’t you do drugs? Weedle make you high.
How can Pikachu make a baby laugh? By playing pika-boo!
What do you call a Pirate Pokemon?
Are you pikachu cause I want to take a pick at you
What's the difference between Pikachu and an orphan?
Pikachu I choose you!!!
Why did Pikachu chase Ash? Because he wanted to Ketchum.
why did the pikachu say pi?? he had to use the bathroom
Be warned, if you are in the shower, I might pikachu and it's not my fault if I see any jigglypuffs.