how are fortnite cards and orphans similar: theyre given away
One day an orphan threw a boomerang, its not the only thing that didnt come back.
Why do Orphasn have not have cheese on their burgers,They don't have a dad to get milk
Whats the difference between cotton and an orphan?
One gets picked
Why are orphans so bad at dodgeball Because nobody misses them
Why did the doctor turn down the orphan
He was a family physician
What's an orphan's least favourite movie? Spiderman: No Way Home
What do orphans and police not have in common
The police can actually go home
What movie do orphan’s hate? Full house đźŹ
Punch an orphan, what are they going to do, tell there parents
Whats the worst TV rseries for orphans?
Family Guy
Why do Orphans have gross cakes? Because their dad didn't come home with the milk milk.
Why can't Orphans go on field trips? Parents signature _______
What's the difference between apple's and orphan's. apple's get picked.
im sorry orphans that your getting bullyed.. oh i have to go my MOM's calling me WERE going on a road trip to go to a FAMILY reuonion
why do orphans hate dom toretto. because it's all about family
Why can't an orphan go to school? He needs a parent admission form to get in.
why does an orphan hate the ending of Finding Nemo
Nemo goes back to his father
Why can’t orphans play Bass ball? Because they can’t get a home run