Life is like a box of chocolates, they f*cking melt :)
Why did Tyrone drop his ice cream cone?
A: He got shot.
if i looked like Stephen Hawkings i would also be an atheist.
I came here to laugh.
Did you know cannibals ate KFC?
Kentucky Fried Children.
Why shouldn’t you play basketball with a pig?
Because he’s a ball hog.
Why did the guy take a bath cuz he cum and it was too mess
Hi there guys, I have no jokes, buy.
Why did the guy run because the girl ripped his penis off?
I am a George Formby fan,and I love favourite manager was Arsen favourite referee was favourite player was Dean my favourite George Formby song was Wenger,Collina,Windas
I had a glass of Schweppes lemonade in one hand and a glass of R. Whites in the other. I got into a hot sweat. I think I have Corona Virus.
I went to an orphanage and had a yo mama smack down. That's it.
What did the cat say to the jar of cookies?
"Ground beef!"
Get confused with Confucius!
What's the difference between a human and a tree?
A Human can chop down a tree A Tree can't chop down a human
What's the difference between a fly and a bird?
A bird can fly but a fly cannot bird
What's big round and can't move?
A vegetable
Why did Adolf Hitler like nuts? He only had one.
What do you call an obnoxiously loud fog horn? A beginner saxophonist.
Where did Johnny go after he wandered into a minefield?