"Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "You're." "You're who?" "You're adopted!"
Why can’t orphans play baseball
Because they don’t have a home base
Your mom stinks.
That is my joke.
You mom doesn’t really stink.
I know I am stupid. 🤕
Why were the cherries 🍒 crying?
Because their parents were in a jam.
If a clown farted, would it smell funny?
Welcome to the abortion clinic. You make 'em, we scrape 'em. No fetus can beat us.
What game is for kids? Uno.
Q. Whats red and crawls up your leg? A. A homesick abortion.
What has tree roots and what do I have for kids? What is the difference between a human and a used tire?
Tree roots are under the tree, and used tires are under the Hummer.
Eeee is a time for a tree night out to a tree 🌲 I can fly to the earth day to day day one night type and a walk in and a tree
What time is it when you get home, can you walk home and walk?
What is the difference between a tree 🌲 and a car 🚘? A car can drive and a tree 🌳 can not drive
What is the difference between
I love autumn 🍂
What makes it cold 🥶 in a room? Air conditioning
What is a good nut 🥜? A magic nut 🥜
Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because he wasn't peeling very well!
Why did the manager hire the marsupial?
Because he was koala-fied!