NASA stands for naughty aliens spewing apricots
Mother, “Johnny, if you keep being this naughty, you’ll get kids who will be very naughty to you!” Johnny, “Oh mom, you just betrayed yourself there, didn’t you?” Source:
There were 3 guys in detetenion called zip willy pee and they were all being naughty the teacher came in and said zip down willy out pee in the corner
Right I have a dog and his name is syndrome and when ever he is Good I go back good syndrome but when ever he is naughty I go Down syndrome
Q: What do Satan and a priest have n common?
A: They both love naughty souls
why are orphans so naughty at school its not like the teacher is gonna call theyre parents
Why is a orphan rlly good at being naughty? Bc they have no one to tell them of
Why was the egg naughty? Because he wanted a good cracking!
Why is Michael Jackson on the naughty list this year ? Because he sexually kids 😂
Rajesh get on bus, so many people, squeeze here squeeze there. He daydream about naughty stuff, like coffee spill but not coffee. Bus move, stop, he press close to pretty lady, she smell nice. Rajesh think how funny if something else spill, make whole bus ride wild. He laugh to self, bus ride never boring now!
Santa said my mom was good... But she is on the naughty list
One day little Jonny needs to use the bathroom. His mom is in there so he went in to use it and asked his mom what is that between your legs. His mom told him that is her bush. Then the next day the same thing happened but with his dad. He asked his dad what is that between his legs. He said my snake. The same thing happened one more time except with his grandmother. Little Jonny asked grandma what is on her chest. She said my headlights. One night little Jonny caught his parents doing something naughty. Then he said grandmaw grand maw turn on your head lights daddy snake is trying to get into mommy's bush.
Why is Santa so happy? He knows were all the naughty girls and ho ho hos live.
A bee said to his naughty son, "Honey, stop bee-ing abnormal and bee positive."
why am i naughty?- because i want to be ....
Why did the fruit punch say what’s sup
He was so naughty