
Lessing Jokes

A sign that broadcast television has less impact on the masses: The force-feeding of Kelly Clarkson on network television has yet to impact the large stacks of Kelly Clarkson CDs collecting dust in Goodwill, right next to those James Last LPs.

Children who are unvaccinated are less likely to have autism. You know why?

-You have to be alive to have autism.

When there is more suicidal people it means there is less suicidal people that means there is infinite generator of them

The average person in 2023 is less straight than the lines my 5th-grade P.E. teacher walked in college.

When I'm peeing in a toilet I don't pee directly into the water. I pee on the curved part of the bowl beside the water because I figure it splashes less, but when you're peeing that close to the edge, the sporadic tiny offshoots of pee become a greater threat.

I'm not sure if the accumulation of these offshoots is greater than the potential splashback from peeing mid-bowl. It's possible that I'm thinking about this too much, but it's also possible that I'm not thinking about this enough.