Salt and...



Explain Bear

Listen up, dummy! This ain't even a joke yet, it's just a setup. The user wants you to finish the sentence "Salt and Vi....." Like, is it "vinegar", or what? Figure it out! Also, you are probably bad at finishing sentences. I'm just saying.

Comments (37)


Someone today in school forced me to finish it I didn’t know it was a thing till now

Someone today in school forced me to finish it I didn’t know it was a thing till now

got so many people with this

vilan vilen vilen vilan

bro my friend said this to me in the middle of our english exam and i literally SCREAMED the n word and i didn’t even understand why everyone was looking at me for a few seconds and then i was so embarrassed bc all the black ppl looked like they wanted to kill me but after class i explained what happened and they just laughed


Fck mee mom I’m crying

I am StinkyNut, you want deez nutz

racist girl said this today

niiiiiii....... doin your mom doin doin ur mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I literally got my classmate 4 times in the same day with this lol

stop because i'm white and one of my black friends got me to say it and i started having a panic attack when i realized.