Genders and Twin Towers Comparison

Genders are like the twin towers. There used to be two of them, and now it’s a sensitive subject.




This joke is playing with a very sensitive topic: 9/11, and the idea that there are only two genders. It is a very dark and offensive joke that many would find in bad taste. By using the twin towers as a symbol, the user is implying there was a drastic change and that now it's sensitive when referring to gender, which is a false equivalency. It also uses a very sensitive event to talk about gender.

Comments (63)

I couldn't agree more. That is fucking funny

There was never two, always about 13... never heard of intersex have you? Penises and Vaginas are not all people are born with, then there is hermaphrodites as well. Uninformed is the issue here.

Chill out dude. There are only 2.

There are only two genders

That one guy got triggered lol, what a libtard

This is so true bahaha

this is great!

This is great. This is now my pickup joke. Lmfao


Look at my name BTW I am not gay.

Lmao all these bloody tucutes making up genders.

I'm late to this convo, but I'd like to say something. THIS. IS. A. JOKE. SITE. why are people offended by these posts? it literally tells you that you are in the MORBID JOKE section. what does MORBID mean? morally wrong. what does JOKE mean? a non serious/ humerus story or sentence? I mean come of it mate, you knew what you were stepping into.

Im actually a guy, for those of you who read my name first


There have always only been 2 genders. If you think there are more than 2 then you should go back to first grade.

All I see is people saying “iTs oNlY a jOkE cHiLl lIbTaRd” yet- nobody has said anything saying it wasn’t a joke. Btw I don’t care if it’s a joke it’s not funny 🙃

Fucking brilliant 🤣🤣🤣




fuck u

such a good joke love it keep going love u bye xx 😈🤍💩😭🤎🐱

What's worse is that it is actually a sad truth than a joke.

I like this one... What do the twin towers and genders have in common? There was only 2 of them when I was growing up.

There's genuinely only to genders to be honest though. Those who think otherwise need Jesus more than ever!

There only is ever 2 genders those who create no called new ones belong in hell. Repent accept Jesus into your heart!

We all have our own opinions, and yes their are two genders in factuality, but some people think otherwise. (Not trying to judge your beliefs and religion either.)

But in some cases their are rare cases called “intersex” which is the third gender, and means you have neither a penis or a vagina.

But there are only two genders, so that joke doesn’t make any sense 🙄

Hah y’all be funny, because umm yes I get it it’s a joke but there are only two genders us as Christian’s be standing up for themselves in the Bible god created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve just saying shawties, if anyone has a problem with what I’m saying I really don’t care about your opinion bc you have to the audacity to even say your opinion to me and I think it’s funny, I’m sure you really feel stupid at the end of the day. God Bless I hope you have a good day

Respect to Rilee. There are, always were, and always will be only 2 genders. People who think otherwise need Jesus! God bless you guys.

your that type of christian, the one who constantly annoys by saying "jesus is real and if your opinion is different its automatically wrong". guess what? don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your're a (insert stereotype) + not funny didn't laugh + you're* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + ratio again + final ratio + stay mad + stay pressed + pedophile + cancelled + done for + mad free + freer than air + rip bozo + :) + cringe again + mad cuz bad + lol + irrelevant + cope + jealous + go ahead whine about it + your problem + don't care even more + sex offender + sex defender + not okay + glhf + problematic

Fucking transphobes. Keep your opinions to yourselves. No one asked.

ash da pickle shut the fuck up its just a joke

Also guys there are only TWO genders unless you have a real medical condition you are either a male or a female xx or xy.

P.S for those of you who don't understand the joke its not necessarily saying there are more than two genders just that now a days its a sensitive subject and everybody will get mad at you for suggesting that there are only two just look a all the comments to see what im saying

Hey Ashdapickle you have a anime profile picture therefore your opinion is irrelevant. Bitch

@ashdapickle go fuck yourself nobody gives a fuck that you trans and change that god-damned retarded profile picture otherwise keep your damn mouth shut bitch

North Tower: Male South Tower: Female

North Tower: Male South Tower: Female

Their are so many genders and that's okay quit fucking with the LGBTQIA+

I mean life has never been always so black and white.

@Fuck society you are a bully I hope that you know that. You would not like someone having that kind of attitude towards you so why do you think that you can be that way towards someone else simply because they are different than you are? No one likes bullies.

When we admit that we're jerks and stop pretending we aren't, the world will be a better place! Let's laugh, folks!