Gay People



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, buttercup. This "joke" is stating that gay people like men. Like duh! You are as dumb as a bag of hammers! I bet you use Internet Explorer, you fossil!

Comments (19)

um excuse me but we dont support homophobia

>Ukraine profile Immediately disliked

Fuck Ukraine and Fuck Russia. They're both awful.

True, Ukraine is a disgusting disheveled mess and, although I fucking hate Russia, I commend and encourage Russia to trash Ukraine further. They are like wild animals sparring and it is nothing more than a show to me, as it doesn't affect me and I find it hilarious whenever Amerimutts among others soy about it on TV

Hearty keks at that one anon. Glad to find so many deyek anons here, rather than finding another mainstream lefty cesspool, reeking of le reddit armie, dumblr, and jewtube.

I used to hate Commies until they invaded Ukraine i love soviet russia now Cyka Blyat

Holy shit that like to dislike ratio o_O

Guess a lot of people don't like homosexuality

i love russia dont say "FUCK RUSSIA" ever ok

No offence anon, but I think I'm leaning with Ukraine on this one👍

im leaning with russia, russia i think will beat ukraine i hate ukraine ukraine ppl are so crazy there