Why do orphans hate going to Costco? Because they need a parent to get samples.
What Costco food is associated with Michael Joseph Jackson?
The Jackson dog. It's 49-year-old sausage between 6-year-old buns.
why cant orphans go to costco because its a family shop
Stephen hawking was talking about a cash register at Costco when he said I can’t stand these people😳😳😳😳😳😳what did he saaaaaaayyyyyyy
A guy in a Costco was pretty pissed off at something, a guy walks up to him and says "Whats wrong pal?, don't worry it's not like your on a abandoned Isle!"
Me: the man sleeped in a $200 bed i He's hole life so why dose he need a $2,000 coughing My friend: there cheaper at Costco Me: oh shit your going to have "fun" this weekend