My girlfriend keeps calling me a pedophile. That's a big word for a seven year old.
My wife called me a pedo. That's a big word for a 6 year old.
My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. I asked her why. She said, "Because you're a pedophile." I replied, "Pedophile! That's a big word for an eight year old."
My girlfriend said i was a ped0phi1e
That's a big word for a 6 year old
How do you talk to giants? Using big words.
What should you do if you meet a giant? Use big words.
My girfriend called me a pedaphile.....Thats a big word for a 1st grader
A guy gets home from work to see his girlfriend packing, and he asks her why she is packing. The girl says, "Because I found out you're a pedophile." The guy goes, "A pedophile?" And she says, "Yes." The guy goes, "That's a big word for a 12-year-old."