Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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my gay ass: i want to find jesus religous mom: FINALLY me: grabs a noose

"I miss you- Being happy was never that hard without you..."

Someone's dad: You think he/she wants to join me? I didn't get the milk...

Is laughing a problem? Laughing at what? I want to jump. Jump- what? Jump of the hook

To whoever @heil dem anfuhrer is hope you know I can’t understand what you’re saying. So next time you get on an American web site please speak English and I don’t speak whatever European language that is😊

u mess with goose he strain out all of your body juice

u mess with goose he hang u with noose


damn that beat droped harder than my gramma falling down the stairs

Mom asks “Why are you are THIS show??? It’s DISTRACTING you from SCHOOL!!!!!” The child says “Don’t you mean SCHOOL is distracting ME from this AWESOME show?” Mon whispers “Oh, you DEAD.”

You were sad because your grandmother died. The next day, you were washing your face, and you realize sadness made your face BLUE.

What is the difference between an orphan and an apple tree... The apples get picked

My cousin’s friend spelled “rasist” wrong and when my cousin showed me, the first thing I said to my cousin’s friend is “Go to Grammarly. They REALLY teach you spelling.”

What’s the quickest way to go to the hospital? Just stand in the middle of a busy road.