Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

3 people online

I seen your mom at work the other night. She was talking about how good she was doing. Hands down, best $20 blowjob ever.

How many hooker's fit in a Cadillac? About 4 in the trunk if you stack em right

How many dead hooker's does it take to change a light bulb? Definitely not 13, because my basement is still dark

the wowman had a dick, lol its your mom ahahahahahaha, yeah YOU! jhon man! in new york city i am on 2 you! i will be under your bed tonight lol get a bodygard

whats the difference between the queens death and princess Diana death? the queen died in peace not pieces

When you cream pie a tardy hottie, it’s called a loaded potato. 🥴🦴💨🥔

what do you call it when you have two indians one black and a fat white a s’more

one i grow some som more yea i am 4 im caillou im caillou im caillou thats me.

What do you call a large lamp that does illicit things to young children?

A Jacko Lantern!

Your hairline shape is so badly shaped like a M, me and my friends thought it was McDonalds.

I got banned from the library from putting a book about woman's rights in the fantasy section.

we don't joke about orphans unless they have family. THEN we assassinate the family.