Your adopted

Your Adopted Jokes

A sibling went up to there other sibling and said "dad said your adopted" and the other sibling said "you are too" then the other sibling goes "no I'm not." And the sibling says "we're twins" and the other kid goes "and your adopded... oh."

tell your adopted kid you want to take them back home, and tell them their oringinal parents want them, and get them all excited, then take them to the orphanage, and tell them their parents died.

How to tell your kid is adopted? Hi daisy lets play a game called your adopted i will start your mum died so i had to adopt you but dont think i live you beacuse ypur where the only kid their haha

Son, you are not precious so pack your bags because someone else is going to adopt you

Dad, what do you mean someone else will adopt me

Son, your adopted

Dad\mom:Son,your adopted .son:i know,.*holds up daddys phone that has the text of them talking about it.* dad:babe,we need to talk. mom:ok...... dad:hes grounded. mom:your right,your grounded! oh and im dumping you. son:am i getting a new daddy? mom:soon honey,soon.... dad:i really shouldnt have let her know i cheating