You know why the twin towers were more remembered? A hexagon is more commendable that a pentagon
I heard some twin brothers were going as buildings to the school costume contest, so I went as a plane. It didn't fly too well with people.
So at school there are these twins at my school so I folded two paper airplanes to throw at them once I realized I why it felt so wrong to do it I had already threw them I hit the north then the south one.
What do the twin towers and my ex-girlfriend have in common? They both went down on my dad.
The twin towers were basically Angry Birds but in real life.
What's were the twin towers upset? Because they ordered pepperoni yet plane arrived!!!
the twin towers traded planes with Afghanistan only thing is Afghanistan got scammed
What’s the difference between my mom and the Twin Towers?
My mom got hit by two cars. The Twin Towers got hit by two planes.
I know a good airplane joke, but it would probably go over your heads.
The twin towers: No, it won't.
What do emos and the Twin Towers have in common? There were two, but now there are none.
Spongebob's teeth upside down is the twin towers.
Spongebob: 9 letters
Squarepants: 11 letters
Spongebob did 9/11.
What's the difference between pizza deliveries and the Twin Towers?
Pizza deliveries get their orders right.
I had sex with twins, well I think it was twins all my rage victims look alike
What did one twin tower say to the other? "Be back, I gotta catch a plane."
I was fuming when I lost my job as a window cleaner, like who built the Twin Towers anyway?
Why are the Twin tower actually twins?
Their birth and death date are the same.
What’s Whitney Houston’s favorite type of coordination? HAAAAND EEEEEEEEEYYYYEEE!
What’s better than Ted Danson? Ted singing and Danson!
What did the drummer call his twin daughters? Anna one, Anna two!
I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don’t know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day!
What does a nosey pepper do? It gets jalapeño business!
Two Twin Towers topple to terrorists terrorizing twenty to-be-doomed trip takers.
What do 9/11 and 911 have in common?
They're twins.
Did I ever tell you my father should have been on the plane that crashed into the Twin Towers?
But that's just my opinion.