What do you call black Man having a seizure? Chocolate shake
How do you throw a surprise party at the hospital?
Throw a strobe light in the epileptic ward.
What do you call a room full of disabled people with epilepsy?
A seizure salad.
How do you make the world’s greatest Harlem Shake?
Throw a flashbang into a room full of epileptics.
What’s the first thing you should do if an epileptic is having a seizure in the bathtub?
Throw in your dirty laundry.
I recently got pulled over by the cops and started spazzing out because of the police lights.
He arrested me for impersonating George Floyd.
*I have seizures*
What is an epileptic's least favorite superhero? The Flash.
what did the man say about someone who had a seizure? "jit was lagging"
What do u call Black person having a seizure
What do you do when a person with epilepsy gets seizures in the bathtub? Throw in some laundry.
Q: What do you do when an epileptic has a seizure in the bathtub?
A: Throw in some laundry.
My friend's man has seizures, so guess who won their breakdancing tournament.
What's Juice Wrld's favorite salad? A seizure salad.
How did the dude with epilepsy win the break dancing competition?
He saw flashing lights.
What do you call an epileptic kid on cocaine?
An earthquake.
I'd make a joke about epilepsy, but the computer started flashing.
I was on the Oregon trail with my friend's brother, Carl. He got cholera, so we threw him off the wagon. When we came back, he was having a seizure and pooping uncontrollably. It was pretty cholerious.
What do you call a white person having a seizure?
A vanilla shake.
A seizure is just an excuse for break dancing.
What is Juice WRLD's favorite restaurant?
Little Seizures.