Turn the comments into a kindergarten fight.
I hate likebeggars. They are just writing some stupid "like if" shit just to get attention. I mean, that's so lazy, so unoriginal, and stupid.
Anyways, can this get 100 likes, please?
Why the actual fuck is there drama on this website? Anyone can fake to be someone they're not, and no one will know the goddamn difference. I’m just trying to look at/make jokes, and I’m getting shit from people saying, "It’s too offensive" or something like that. Goddamn just take that shit somewhere else.
I told my suicidal friends to stop posting suicidal memes. They said they will stop soon.
Why do people come on here just to say that we should not be making these jokes? They literally look this shit up just to complain.
What is the difference between a school bully and a feminist?
The school bully does not hide behind their computer screen.
Everyone put your age here.
I'm ashamed to admit feeling proud of the rape joke I posted and what went on between me and your mum.
"Kill yourself. Stop thinking whether or not to do it, you dumb fucking cunt, no one likes you. Jump off a fucking 3 story building, bitch."