Someone stole my toilet, and the police have nothing to go on.
What does a man with no arms or legs do on Halloween? - nothing
What's the difference between Cain Dashiell and Down syndrome?
Deutsch: Die, die nichts zu sagen haben, reden viel. Die, die was zu sagen haben, hingegen kaum.
What did the grape say when the elephant sat on it?
Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
Ever heard of the band 'Nothing but thieves'? Yeah, it's called RobberBand.
What do skeletons hate the most about wind?
Nothing, it goes right through them.
Why are skeletons so calm?
Because nothing gets under their skin.
What did the homeless person get for Christmas??? - Nothing €
I spy with my little eye nothing because I only have two normal-sized eyes.
What did the deaf man say to the blind man before he fell into the well?
Chuck Norris once heard nothing can kill him. So he tracked down nothing and killed it.
What does a girl want more than anything in the world?
Nothing. She's fine.
What do sprinters eat before a race? -- Nothing, they fast.
Three men are on a boat. They have four cigarettes, but nothing to light them with. So, they throw a cigarette overboard and the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter.
A blind man once told me he smokes a lot because he has nothing to look forward to. Well, let's just say that I see his point.
What did Stephen Hawking say when his computer crashed?