I've always wondered how it would feel to put Hellen Keller in a room full of doorknobs.... But no doors
what is Helen Keller's favorite color //velcro
How did Helen Keller's parents punish her?
By rearranging the furniture.
How did Hellen Keller’s parents punish her? They handed her a basketball as told her to “read this book”.
Heard the Helen Keller single?
It’s called ERRRRRAGHHH!!!
Did yo uhear about Hellen Keller falling down the well? She screamed her little fingers off
Q: Why does Helen Keller masturbate with one hand?
A: So she can moan with the other.
What does Helen Keller say when she touches a basketball?
Hellen Keller once said, ̈love is not something you see or hear, it is something you feel ̈ but of course she said it like this ̈fbfebsovbforbw urbwbwvorb ̈
Why did Helen Keller's dog run away? You would too if your name was "Raraaaughhaugh".
How do you punish Hellen Keller? Leave the plunger in the toilet
Do you know Hellen Keller Yes Did you know she had a dog...... Neither did she
Last halloween i went dressed as a woman. When i rang the doorbell an elderly woman opened and i made grunting noise and knocked the bowl of candy out of her hands. She immediately called the police and told them excactly what happened. The officer pulled me aside and asked me a few questions. First he asked are your parents here and i said nothing. Concerned by my answer he then asked if i was ok so i said nothing. He asked me what my name and i responded, "Hellen Keller.
How did helen keller burn the side of her head? she answered the iron How'd she burn the other side? They called back
Two guys are on the playground one guys says too the other “did you know that Hellen Keller had a play ground in her backyard” the other guy said “no” the first guy says “neither did she
So Helen Keller walked into a bar, then a stool, then a table, then a door....
How do you punish Hellen Keller? you stick a toilet plunger in the toilet
Why cant Helen Keller have kids? It went up to far
How does Helen Keller’s parents punish her?
They tell her to sit in the corner in a circular room
Why can't Helen Keller drive?
Because she's a woman.
why was Helen kellers belly button bruised? her boyfriend was blind too.