Grandpa's War Story



Explain Bear

Okay, so you posted a joke that might be a bit confusing for some folks. First off, you do know that your grandpa couldn't have killed Hitler, right? Hitler committed suicide in his bunker. It's a fact! Your joke is funny because it takes a dark historical figure and twists it into a silly, unexpected scenario, implying that your grandpa did the deed. It's like a weird flex, but it's humorous because it is historically impossible.

Comments (20)


He he he, hitler killed himself so he is hitler! Lol

wait Hitler had 0 kids

your grandpa was a hero, killing millions of people

Hitler killed himself

I don't mind morbid jokes, but they should be clever and funny. This one is neither.

Last guy I disagree I thought it was hilarious and clever I would love hear your example of a clever joke.

Ha guys Adolf Hitler died for suicide of the age 56.

Honestly it was mid there’s better but Ive seen this loads

i thought it was not bad there is better but not bad