Fastest Readers

Who are the fastest readers?

911 victims. They went through 88 stories in 7 seconds.




The joke plays on the tragic events of 9/11, using the term 'stories' to refer to both the floors of a building and the content of a book. It makes a dark, morbid reference to people falling from buildings, making light of a serious event.

Comments (36)

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIMMY no bed time stories for you

That joke is soooooo Fitz

You're the worst

My Grandpa passed away in 911😥😥😥😥😥😥😥

This is a horrible joke, I don't know why but people think it's funny to joke about our countries horrible past events when it's not. You're a horrible person to think this in my opinion

I got 10 extra points for surprising everyone

It was govt sanctioned murder. It’s not like any of the worlds goverments haven’t started wars before-for the economic benefits-especially oil.

What did the plane say to the building? I'd hit that

My father died in 911. I never got to talk to him since I was a month old when it happened. You shouldn’t joke about that at all. It’s not funny.

@Y'all are sick, get fucked, this is a dark humor website, if you are expecting that there to be no 9-11 jokes then you're as dead to me as your father is to you.

Coming to this website and saying that you are offended by these jokes is no different than ordering the most spicy food in a restaurant and complain that it's too spicy. If you don't like morbid jokes or dark humour, get the f*** out of here, no one forced you to be here

That's messed up bruh, real messed up How'd you feel if your mom and all your loved ones died in the 911 crash

Why are people taking this so seriously. The page is literally called “Morbid Jokes”. I mean come on, if you’re on this page then you’re looking for trouble. Just don’t complain when you read something you got yourself into

Stop making 9/11 jokes, my uncle died in it. Best pilot in Saudi Arabia

@yall are sick then dont come on this web site if your gonna get butt hurt

I’m sorry ya’lls loved ones died in that terrible event but, it’s called morbid jokes for a reason, what did tou expect?

To anyone batching about how offensive this was: you're on a site called "worstjokesever". Shut the fuck up and get a job

Ya like yall are literally on a website called mrobid jokes, so if your going to bitch about 9/11 jokes how about you go to your dad- oh wait he left you when you decided to bitch about a morbid joke in a literal morbid joke website called worst jokes ever

You little quandale dingle nose eater no one asked for you to say this my dad died in that building you wont see the end of this

I hate you you poo you're just a lonely emo trying to make jokes about the past🖕🖕🖕🙄🙄

You'll soon wish you didn't write that🖕🖕🤬🤬

Bro this is a 911 joke tab + your in a jokes website what yall doing sending hate shit, if yall cant take this you guys are free to leave

@Thepersonthatwishedyouneverlived rip bozo