Backseat accidents and kids

Kids in the backseat make accidents, and accidents in the back seat make kids.




This joke uses wordplay and a bit of dark humor to suggest a connection between car accidents and children. It plays on the double meaning of "accidents" and the implication that kids can be the result of unintended situations, creating a somewhat morbid view of the consequences of actions.

Comments (19)

Nice wordplay

Well Woopty-Doo

If ya'll are going on a school field trip anytime soon, be sure to invite me along!

No back seat equal no accident single cab

Love the wording

I- um..😶

children in the dark make mistakes, mistakes in the dark make children

So that’s why the backseat of my rental is covered in cum and vaginal fluids

I don't get it :/

I hate small children with is funny because I’m 10