

Comments (40)

There not sposte to be lol


I have been through ALL of them... There are a few gems, but mostly crap, endless repeats, suicidal whining & endless repeats... Did I mention the repeats?

Not all off them but around 70% are pretty good

Not all, some are just cringe, but there are good ones

A lot of them are pretty funny

Eh there are a few gems but most r shit n distasteful

very funny

I like it because I can put the lyrics to Doin' Your Mom as much as I want. Hehehehehehe

yeah that’s why we’re on it.

I couldn't stop laughing lol

They are fucking great

Well yeah about 60% are trash and 30% are funny, and 10% are not trash, but just constent repeat...

Yeah! I don't how I ended on this fucked up website

Yep. POV: Your a mom in the 40's

Well, rape is like any other stuff in the world. You can't tell you won't like it, till you try...

“Super funny!” Tch. You are as disgusting as Rapists because YOU are encouraging them

@Andre how can you like something if you don’t want to have it? It wouldn’t be rape if you would like it. So basically, the answer is clear: NO ONE WANTS TO BE RAPED!!!!

People take a joke. Lilliluu Hes making a joke J-O-K-E



Learn to pronounce


a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.

👍🏼 I think they are hilarious

@Lilliluu I'll rape you nigcka