You want to hear a rape joke? Yeah. Damn you ruined it.
Are you made of Gold, Titanium, Sulfur, Titanium, and Carbon?
Cause damn, you lookin' kinda Au Ti S Ti C!
Fell Sans: Welp, you're BONED!
Fell Papyrus: DAMN YOU SANS!!!
What did one tower say to the other? "Damn, you looking fly!"
Are you made of Gold, Titanium, Sulfur, Titanium, and Carbon?
Cause damn you lookin kinda Au Ti S Ti C.
Are you an abstract manifestation of my childhood traumas and recent memories combined? 'Cause damn, you look like you came out of a dream!
As ruler of a kingdom, I wanted a knight. Duke Leo Pessi IV offered himself but wanted a wife in return. I offered my beautiful daughter to him. However, he slapped her and proceeded to wreck my castle. All this whilst crying “I don’t want princess, I want farmer!”
What did the boy say to the girl? "Damn! You pissy, stank!"