I just broke up with my mathematician girlfriend. She was obsessed with an X.
I’m really good at algebra, I can replace your X without even asking Y
What do you call a rapper who LOVES math?
MC Squared
Sex is basically math. You add the bed. Subtract the clothes. Divide the legs to multiply inside.
When I was in middle school, I was kidnapped by a terrorist organization. Al-gebra.
Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered, "Y?"
Which book takes an extreme turn and has an incredible plot twist?
- The math book. Suddenly letters appear in the calculations...
Why did the feminist fail algebra?
She couldn’t solve inequalities.
....Addition, frustration, subtraction, aggression, depression.
A teacher is teaching a class algebra. Timmy, you've worked out it is AK, but what is 59 minus 12? Timmy shakes his head, not knowing. The teacher asks, "How about AK 49 minus 2?" Timmy replies with um... The teacher becomes frustrated and yells, "What comes after AK, Timmy!?" The white kid at the back stands, shouts 47, and pulls the trigger.
Girls are like numbers squared. If they're under 13, just do 'em in your head.
89 cows = 0 cows.
What did the math teacher write on his party invitations?
Be there or B2.
Hey math: I’m really tired of trying to find your X. Accept that she’s gone, and solve your own problems, dude!
Dear algebra, I don't want to find your X. I don't know Y she left you.
why is calculus called calc? because you need a calculator. lol
Dear math,
Please grow up and solve your own problems. I'm tired of solving them for you.
Math puns are the first SINE of madness! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Why don't Romans find algebra interesting?
X is always 10.