GG Miller

This is the Polo Gang.. Just posting corny dad jokes.
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Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road. I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”

What happens when a strawberry gets run over crossing the street? Traffic jam.

Why don’t skeletons ever go trick or treating?

Because they have no body to go with.

A blind woman tells her boyfriend that she’s seeing someone. It’s either terrible news or great news.

"What’s your name, son?" the principal asked his student. The kid replied, “D-d-d-dav-dav-david, sir.” "Do you have a stutter?" the principal asked. The student answered, “No sir, my dad has a stutter but the guy who registered my name was a real jerk.”

Patient: Oh, doctor, I’m just so nervous. This is my first operation.

Doctor: Don’t worry. Mine too.