What's the difference between me and cancer? My dad didn't beat cancer.
GG Miller
What do you call headphones that walk out on their children? Deadbeats.
I was reading a great book about an immortal dog the other day. It was impossible to put down.
Why did Mozart kill all of his chickens? When he asked them who the best composer was, they all replied, "Bach, Bach, Bach."
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, not if it's poisoned. Then the antidote becomes the most important.
As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe a career as a tour guide was not the right choice.
Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honeycomb.
I think i would like a job cleaning mirrors, it's just something I could really see myself doing.
I don't want to brag, I finished the puzzle in under a week and it said 2-4 years on the box.
My dog is a genius... I asked him what is two minus two, he said nothing.
I couldn't figure out why the baseball kept getting larger. Then it hit me.
Three years ago my doctor told me I was going deaf. I haven't heard from him since.
"A dyslexic atheist lies awake at night wondering if there really is a Dog."
"And the Lord said unto John, 'Come forth and receive eternal life,' but John came fifth and got a toaster."
"Did you hear about the guy who got the left side of his body amputated? He’s all right now."
"A snake walks into a bar and the bartender asks, 'How?'"
"What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One weighs a ton, and the other is a little lighter."
"Did you hear about the worst zoo in the world? It only had one dog in it. It was a Shih Tzu."
"A priest, an imam, and a rabbit walk into a clinic to donate blood. The rabbit turns to the nurse and says, 'I think I'm a Type-O.'"
"What do you give a man that has everything? Penicillin."