Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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This is the Real Reason why the Chicken Crossed the Road.

Q: Why did the Chicken cross the Road

A: To Vist his Grandmother at KFC

I saw a emo orphan by a tree and I was going to give it a high-five but instead I just let it hang.➰

COBRA GRINDSET OF THE DAY: Depression isn't real. You feel sad, you move on. You will always be depressed if your life is depressing. Change it. Bitch!

Alfonsos mom is so fat. That she stepped on the scale and the doctor sayd “oh Shit thats my phone number!!!”

Why do orphans read bl or gl?

Cause they get to see what it’s like with a mummy or daddy

I don't get this why is it I go to an orphanage and all of a sudden they said I used to be the cutest baby there.