What do you call a disabled person in a sauna?
Steamed veggies!
Son: What's for dinner tonight? Mon: Steak! Son: Mom you know I only eat veggies, so what's for me? Mim: HUNGER!
What starts with a v and ends with an k, a veggie Karen
Mrs. Kadie- I heard about this Mr. Beast Video about Veggie Burgers. I hope that you didn't trick me again Mr., Beast- Today we're gonna be eating a Hot tender Burger Mrs. Kadie- OMG he didn't say vegan Viewers- HAHAHA WE TRICKED YOU Mrs. Kadie- That's it Mr. Beast we're gonna pour Blood on your face Mr. Beast& Chandler- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!1!
I'm making a new movie, it's called "veggie tale's" My star actor is Stephen Hawking's
What’s the hardest part of a veggie to eat? The wheelchair
What does a broken down vegetable say?
I need new wheels.