Spank Me

Spank Me Jokes

A dad told his son never to hit girls so the sun repeid i promis. When the sun got older he was doing the dirty with "a girl " and the girl sais spank me daddy.... and the sons repsonds my dad said never to hit a girl. and the "girl" takes of the wig and its his dad and the dad said good job son!.. Son:...... um

i was at the club and thin my Dad walked up and said your 15 why are you high and at the club so i ran then my uncle was at the car and took me home so i was grouned then my boy friend came bc my parents wet out and we had sex and we where very loud my dad came home and walked in he had my bf pin me agenst the wall so my dad could spank me

a neighbor went up to me and asked me where my parents were. when i said "in the bed" my neighbor said, " oooooohh, how long is the penis?" i said wait here, and i interupted my parents while they were doing some "buisness" and asked my dad the exact question he said. then he spanked me.