Why was your mom so into me?
'Cause she was the man.
Why was your mom so into me?
'Cause she was the man.
Hey, genius. The joke is a play on words. It suggests that the listener's mom was "into" the speaker because she was acting as the "man" in a relationship, implying she's a dude or butch lesbian. Which means the listener's mom probably rocks harder than you ever will, you snowflake.
I came to school the other day, ended up slapping someone.
If im 13, is that still considered rape if it is the other end?
I met someone that was 30 years of age the other day. He decided to become friends with me, but little did i know he wanted clout this whole time. Even though i didn't have it, i still gave him a good time.
I have a friend named kyler. He gave me a shovel and dirt for my birthday. The next day he told me to use it wisely, so i used it wisely. He ended up dead the next day, inside of the ground.
When i go down the stairs, i sometimes break my arm cause of how bad i fall. when i go down with my mom, she ends up pregnant. The next day, we find my arm inside of her, how to i take this day back! PLEASE!
How long is an asian mans name? I mean im still thinking about it right now. Any day now........................................................................................................
My arm is as big as the 1 twin tower. What happens if i break my arm and it falls off? 9/11 all over again.
What happens when an asian pilot crashes a plane? He names all of the crew members.
You know how people always assume that someone is about to hurt someone. Well i guess i was wrong about the black man in the 7/11 store trying to buy a slushie.
What do you call an asain that fell out of a car? A broke piece of shit.
There is one kid who can't catch a football or a pencil, but he can very well catch a case.
One day, i came over to my friends house. His cousin came in and greeted me. Little did i know that wasn't his cousin. Think about it, what happens next... CUM DRIP
What's the difference between me and my friend jase? The one sitting beside me is small.. If i sit by him, what happens? DICK CEPTION