Weird Things To Say

Funny things or weird things to say to someone.

Hey... have you kissed a girl before? Weird things to say to someone.

It's hard to find friends that [are] 91% funny, 100% nice, and 1000000% good-looking. Funny!

Weird names to call a girl: Sweetums.





Ninty Minty.

and SEXY WITCH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Gross that's why I am not getting a bf!



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, numbskull! The author is trying to be funny by listing weird things to say and weird names to call a girl, but it comes off as super awkward and cringey. The joke fails because it's just a bunch of random, unfunny phrases strung together. I bet you didn't even realize you were reading a joke! You probably talk to girls like that! No wonder you are single!

Comments (46)

Hi! Are you free to chat for a couple minutes?

Yea... it sounds like you think I said it to someone, but no...

And Nity minty...WHAT THE HILL!!!!!!!!!

Ok! What time is it right now?

What is this?!?!?

Sorry i'm a little slow.

You are three hours ahead of me. It's 7:49 right now.

You still there?

What so shocking cute dog # 421?

Still there anyone?...

Hi what's up?!

Not much, just bored to death hoping for sun...

Kenya where are you?

All these names are super weird...and wonder so many people are single although it is nice to have some one to talk too maybe a friend or something! Oh hey Gwen its the girl that put her name to S word but changed it ! By the way your a nice person!

Oh no I didn't mean where you lived I meant cuz it took awhile to get back to me and I was just wondering about that. And I live in Oregon Btw.

Thankyou. I'm glad someone thinks I'm nice. And Btw I did NOT put my name as the S word.

No Gwen I met me not you! Remember I am the one who put S word for my name not you. But hey I need to spell correctly!

So you were the one who put there name as Slut? You ought to pick anything but that for a name. :)

u sound hot asf wanna talk sometime?


Santo ooooo ... ¡deberías hacerlo!

Things are getting gooooooooooooood!!!!!