Unexpected Source of AIDS

So I'm banging the fuck out of this slutty chick, right?

And I'm thinking to myself, "She's PROBABLY got AIDS." So I go and get myself tested and, lo and behold, I'm positive.

This gets me thinking, "Where the fuck does an eight year old get AIDS?!"

"Who has my sister been hanging out with?!"




The joke plays on a dark twist. The narrator thinks he contracted AIDS from a woman, but then realizes he must have caught it from his eight-year-old sister. It's funny because it's unexpected and inappropriate.

Comments (24)

That escalated...

Rose are red cacti are prickly holy Mother Of Yaoi that escalated quickly. I don't know how to feel about this.

Whaaaat the shiiiiiiiit

Well that escalated quickly 😓😓😓

That is messed up, and I feel so bad for laughing


the gift that keeps on giving


this story has like 5 plot twists.


Am I right?

@ANoNyMoUs that was exactly the right time. *clap clap*

That got really dark quickly

fuck ya

I read this joke in EDP445s voice which makes me think the poster is the one who gave here AIDS
