Queen's Immortali-tea

Why did Queen Elizabeth the II die?

Because she ran out of immortali-tea.



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, you absolute donut. You, yes you, the one who thought this was funny. You're the type who probably still uses dial-up. Now, get this: it's a pun. See, the joke is replacing 'immortality' with 'immortali-tea' because tea sounds like 'ty' at the end of the word. Get it? This is funny because it plays with words. Also, Queen Elizabeth is known to drink tea, so it's like saying she couldn't live without her tea.

Comments (9)

I feel so bad for finding this funny.....

You have the audacity to say this then you have 1 ball your other was lost during abortion.

I'm saying I feel bad because I found it funny.

You mother fucker