Doctor: I’m going to have to turn you away. Orphan: But why? Doctor: Because I’m a family doctor.
Why was the orphan so successful? When they told him go big or go home, he only had one option.
What does an orphan call a family photo? A selfie
Being an orphan isn’t all bad. On the bright side, all your snacks are family sized.
Judge: We shall now sentence you for the murder of your parents. Accused: Please consider a lenient sentence, your honour. Judge: But why? Accused: Because I’m an orphan.
What kind of flour do orphans use to bake bread? Self-raising
Why did the orphan go to church? So he had someone to call Father
Hi to all of you!
I have many jokes about unemployed people, sadly none of them work.
My grandfather said my generation relies too much on technology. So I unplugged his life support. (ref)
My grief counsellor died. He was so good, I don’t even care.😂😂😂╰(*°▽°*)╯
My wife says sex is even better on holiday. I wish she didn’t tell me via email.
Wife: I’m pregnant. Husband: Hi pregnant, I’m dad. Wife: No, you’re not.
Man: How do you prepare your chicken?
Waiter: Nothing special, we just tell them they’re going to die.
My girlfriend dumped me, so I stole her wheelchair. Guess who came crawling back?
I was raised as an only child, which I think was hard for my brother.
I thought opening a door for a lady was good manners, but she just screamed and flew out of the plane.
I was digging a hole in the garden when I found some gold coins. I was about to run and tell my wife, when I remembered why I was digging a hole in the garden...