PEMDAS Meaning

What does PEMDAS stand for?

Please End My Depression And Suffering.




The joke uses the acronym PEMDAS, which is a mnemonic for the order of operations in mathematics. It twists the meaning into something dark and sad, playing on the word "depress" within the acronym.

Comments (33)

I'm going to tell my teacher that tomorrow

BOATILAM Bend Over And Take It Like A Man.


BOATILAM - Bend Over And Take It Like A Man.

Omg That is why I am alive today- barley..

Omg that's an incorrect sander side quote 🤣

Por favor. final. mi. depresión. y. sufrimiento

Damn Lord Jesus, you good? Is it hard being the Son of Man?

I told this to everyone in my family and there all "what does that mean" and everytime one of them asks me what that means I say " just another inside joke u will never understand" and they just laugh and walk away

Don't tell this to your math teacher

I am sorry for your depression and want you to know God loves you and I am praying for you all.

Read the comment above cause me too. My math teacher is going to hate me yall😂🙃

no wonder no one is good at math anymore

cant wait to tell my math teachers


Read the comment above cause me too. My math teacher is going to hate me yall😂🙃

Fr mine already does lol